Senior Cat and Dog Health Screening
We know that aging predisposes dogs and cats to certain diseases. However, early detection of such problems through regular screening can allow us to control these diseases better, resulting in your pet staying happier for longer.
We recommend starting this monitoring in middle age so we can pick up any changes before too much damage has occurred. Testing yearly in middle age patients is comparable to seeing your doctor every four or five years.
We can perform these checks at the time of your pet’s annual vaccination and examination. Please ask when booking a vaccination appointment if you would like to add a senior pet health screen.
If your pet is a member of the Adelaide Pet Care Plan, annual routine screening is half price once they have reached the required age.
Senior Health Check Programmes
Screening for any illness that may be developing in an apparently healthy individual has become common practice in human medicine. As cat and dogs get older it is common for some of their organs to start to work less effectively.
Detecting these changes at an early stage, before your pet is showing any signs of illness, may enable you to slow down the deterioration and improve the quality and length of your cat’s life.
To detect these changes we run a screening program for older cats, which checks for common issues, including:
The same goes for dogs, and checking for issues early is much better than diagnosing a serious illness further down the line. Our senior health check for dogs looks for signs of:
If you have any concerns with the health of your cat or dog, please do not hesitate to contact your vet to discuss how we can help.
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