We can perform a wide range of surgical procedures, including routine neutering, tumour removal, some orthopaedic surgery and life-saving emergency operations.
Unless the situation is an emergency, if your pet needs surgery we will usually book an appointment for them to come in for a day.
If your cat or dog is to have a general anaesthetic, you will usually be asked not to feed them after about 9.00pm the night before their operation, and to take their water as soon as you get up on the day of the surgery. This reduces the chance of complications while under anaesthetic.
Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be starved.
Admit times are usually at 8am or 8:45 am, and collection between 1pm and 6pm, depending on the length of recovery for the surgery or procedure.
For routine neutering operations a nurse will usually explain the aftercare to you. For other procedures your vet will discharge your pet to you and explain what is required.
You will usually be asked to keep your pet warm and quiet for 24 hours after the operation.
They should be fed a light, small meal, unless instructed otherwise, and encouraged to have a drink.
If your pet has stitches they will usually be removed after seven to 10 days, and dogs should be kept on a lead during this time. Cats should, where possible, be kept indoors if they have stitches.
It is surprisingly infrequent that pets pull out their stitches, but it can happen. If they are giving the wound more than a gentle clean then please call for advice. We have a range of products available to help if needed from traditional collars to pet onesies.
Recovery is generally fast and uncomplicated but we should always be contacted if you are at all concerned.